SWOT Analysis
In my previous blog, I wrote about User Interviews which happen to be a research method. So I figured it would be nice to talk about a synthesis method. Before going into the subject what is synthesis? According to Jon Kolko, design synthesis is an abductive sensemaking process. To put it in the simplest terms synthesis is making sense of data collected from research. After research, we are left with a lot of unprocessed data. Think of unrefined gold, it still gold without the glow and value hence it is worthless to an amateur eye. Unsynthesized research is much like unrefined gold because it isn’t worth much to the end-users. Synthesis is the process of refining this raw data. It aids in converting raw data into useful information. Examples of this information are users’ behaviors, triggers, drivers, motivations, and frustrations. Identifying these factors makes it possible for us to help users achieve their end goals.
SWOT analysis stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. This is a very common technique and isn’t restricted to design. It’s typically used after a process like Competitive Analysis. It helps teams and organizations view how they stand compared to competitors. It also helps identify the advantages said team has over competitors and where there might be room for improvement. SWOT analysis can be divided into two sections, internal and external. Strengths and weaknesses are both internal while Opportunities and Threats fall under external.
Strengths are internal characteristics a team possesses that are of advantage over competitors. This is can be a feature or concept the team is already profoundly great at which puts them ahead of everyone else.
Weaknesses just like strengths are also internal characteristics. Except they are disadvantages hence dangerous to the team. Examples of this could be features of a design that users tend to struggle with. Both strengths and weaknesses are dependent on the team hence they can be controlled.
Opportunities unlike the previous two are external factors. These are characteristics that can be exploited to become future strengths. Examples are gaps in the market space such as unattended audience or ideas not yet executed. Another example could be a change in trend or technology.
Threats are also external characteristics. Unlike opportunities, they can be harmful if underestimated or not caught in time. Threats can also be previous opportunities not identified. A very common example of a threat would be Netflix and blockbuster. Opportunities and threats unlike strengths and weaknesses are external factors. Thus, determined by time, trend, market, and audiences. Although they can’t be directly controlled they should always be looked out for. Because they can turn into strengths or weaknesses.
All four characteristics may not always hold equal significance at the same time. Nevertheless, they are all very important and should be taken with context.